What To Expect Of Your Baby’s Visual Development

If you are expecting a baby, or you have a baby already, you want to learn about the visual development of infants. This way, you know just what to expect from your little one and you'll know if you should take them in to see the eye doctor. The information in this article will take you through the development of an infant's vision and help you recognize reasons for concern. Read More 

Is A Delayed Immunization Schedule Right For Your Child?

If you're a first-time parent, you may be surprised to see the ever-growing list of vaccines recommended for your tiny infant. While many of these vaccines have been in use since you were a child, they may not have been recommended at such early ages (or even given at all unless you had other health concerns). However, the benefits of a well-immunized population are immeasurable. To ensure that your child is adequately protected from illness without overloading his or her immune system, you may wish to employ a delayed immunization schedule under certain circumstances. Read More 

4 Tips To Help You Self-Detox From Alcohol

If you are addicted to alcohol and would like to try to self-detox then there are some important steps that you should take to ensure that you have a high chance of success. Self-detox requires a lot of discipline and the temptation to go back to alcohol can be overwhelming. However, if you keep the following tips in mind while attempting to self-detox you are sure to have a better chance at success. Read More 

Gout: Pain In Your Big Toe And Your Heart?

Do you have gout? If you do, you may be at a higher risk for heart problems. There have been several studies showing the correlation between gout and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, but what does this actually mean? Here is a closer look at gout, cardiovascular disease, and their relationship to each other. First of all, what is gout? Gout is a form of arthritis that often happens in the lower legs, feet, and toes. Read More 

Gum Contouring: What Is It And Why Do You Need It?

Do you have a "gummy" smile? People with gummy smiles have perfectly healthy gums and teeth, but the gum tissue may cover more of the teeth than is preferred. This could be genetic or it could be caused by disease or certain medications. About 14 percent of women and 7 percent of men are considered to have gummy smiles, where the amount of gum that shows below the upper lip in a smile is more than 2-3 millimeters. Read More