What Is Photoaging & How Can You Be Treated By A Specialist?
Have you been addicted to tanning for numerous years and now your skin makes you look older than you actually are? You are likely experiencing a condition that is called photoaging; however, a specialist might be able to return your skin to a better condition through various treatment methods.
How you are treated for photoaging will depend on a few different factors. The article below will tell you more about photoaging and how a specialist can treat it to give your skin a more youthful appearance.
Why Does Tanning Cause Photoaging? Are There Other Causes as Well?
Photoaging happens when you have been exposed to unsafe amounts of ultraviolet radiation for a long period of time. If you have fair skin and love getting dark tans on a regular basis, it is likely the reason you are experiencing photoaging. Another thing that can have an effect on how fast your skin ages is smoking. So if you are a habitual smoker and tan a lot, you might want to cut back a little.
What Kind of Symptoms Does Photoaging Cause?
A premature development of wrinkles is one of the symptoms of photoaging. You might also notice that your skin feels rough and leathery no matter how much lotion is used on it. Light or dark patches can develop on random areas of your body, giving you an uneven skin tone. A few of the other symptoms include dry skin, liver spots, and broken capillaries. Your skin will continue to get worse if you don't get treated by a specialist in a timely manner.
What Kind of Treatment Methods Are Available for Photoaging?
You can talk with a professional, like Advanced Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists, to see what repair option(s) would work best for your skin type. If wrinkles are your only concern, a specialist can inject your facial muscles with botulinum toxin (type A) to make them immobile. By immobilizing certain facial muscles, it can decrease the appearance of wrinkles and prevent them from developing so fast. For skin discoloration, a specialist can treat it with chemical peel that will remove the top layer of skin so healthier skin will regenerate and give a more youthful appearance.
Lastly, another method of treatment is called laser skin resurfacing. Just as with a chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing is able to get rid of the damaged top layer of your skin and allow healthy skin to regenerate. Make an appointment with a skin specialist as soon as possible so he or she can treat you for photoaging.