Helpful Things You Should Know About COPD

Are you frequently short of breath for no apparent reason and have a dry cough? You might be suffering from a medical condition that is known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Basically, COPD is the type of lung disease that makes it difficult to breathe and will continue to get worse as time passes by. Take a look at this article to gain more knowledge about COPD and how oxygen therapy can be beneficial with treating it.

The Cause of COPD

COPD can develop from a few different things, but most commonly it occurs as the result of inhaling irritants that that are harmful to the lungs. Smoking cigarettes and cigars can lead to COPD, especially if you do it on a regular basis. Even if you don't smoke, COPD can develop if you are always around other people that smoke, such as at home or work. It is also possible for COPD to develop if you are suffering from asthma because it is a disease that inflames the airways. You can get examined by a specialist to find out if your problem with breathing is asthma related, as prompt treatment can prevent COPD from developing if you don't already have it. .

How a Diagnosis is Made for COPD

Diagnosing COPD can consist of a few different tests being performed by a specialist. However, the main test that is used for making a diagnosis is called spirometry. Basically, you will have to blow air into a machine with as much force as possible. The purpose of spirometry is for the specialist to find out the quantity and speed of air that you are able to breathe out of your body. Other tests might include an arterial blood gas test for measuring your oxygen level, as well as an x-ray of your chest.

Why Oxygen Therapy is Beneficial

If you are diagnoses with COPD, you will likely have to undergo long-term oxygen therapy for treatment. Oxygen therapy is beneficial for COPD symptoms because it will help you breathe easier, feel more energetic and prevent you from feeling dizzy. Oxygen therapy also helps COPD by improving irregular heart rhythms, and stabilizing pulmonary hypertension. Oxygen therapy can be done in various ways, including delivery through devices such as masks, nasal tubes or a transtracheal catheter.  Make an appointment with a specialist as soon as you can to find out if you have COPD so oxygen therapy can begin. For more information, visit sites like
