Neurological Treatment And Stroke Recovery

Strokes are considered the leading cause of disability within this country. While the severity and impact of strokes vary greatly, one factor remains consistent – proper treatment is essential. In addition to prompt, emergency medical treatment, on-going rehabilitative treatment and therapy is key to recovery. Neurological services can help.

Neurology And Strokes

Neurological treatments and therapies fall under the realm of neurological medicine. Neurological medicine is an area of biology that involves the function and anatomy of the nerves and nervous system, as well as organic disorders that effect these areas, including strokes.

When an individual suffers from a stroke, there is an inherently high risk of damage to the nervous system. This damage is often witnessed in the form of hearing loss, paralysis or involuntary eye movement. Exactly what type of damage is suffered to the nervous system is determined by the side of the brain that is affected.

What Is The Goal Of Treatment?

The most important thing to understand about neurological treatment is that it doesn't have the goal of curing the damage to the nervous system, or even reversing it for that matter as nerve damage is permanent. It is instead about teaching patients to overcome the difficulties produced by the damage sustained so that they can lead the most independent, rewarding and comfortable life going forward.

What Does Treatment Look Like?

After a stroke, neurological treatment typically begins almost immediately after the patient has been stabilized. For this reason, treatment often begins while the individual is still in the hospital. As previously mentioned, nerve damage is not reversible; however, the faster a patient begins rehabilitation, the easier it is for the scope of damage to be minimized. Phase one of treatment involves independent movement. During this phase, the physician is more interested in finding out what the patient is able to do, as this data can help the neurologist gauge the range and severity of their nervous system damage.

The next phase of treatment is generally active exercise. In many instances, by the time an individual reaches this phase of therapy, they have been released from the hospital; however, this isn't always the case. Active exercise is when the patient is instructed to perform a variety of exercises, without the assistance of the medical provider. These active exercises help rebuild muscle and balance, which overtime, can help the patient return to normal, or near-normal, functionality.

The minutes, days and weeks following a stroke are critical to the long-term quality of life for the patient. Patients should seek both immediate medical treatment and therapy from a professional like Mohsen M. Hamza, M.D.
