How To Treat Psoriatic Arthritis

If you have psoriasis, you may be at risk of developing psoriatic arthritis. This is a specific type of arthritis caused by an overactive immune system. Like other types of arthritis, it affects your joints, causing swelling and pain. If you suspect you've developed this disease, you should see your doctor in order to be formally diagnosed. Here are four tips to help you manage your psoriatic arthritis: 1. See your doctor at the first sign of a flare-up. Read More 

Everything You Should Know About Hemodialysis And Peritoneal Dialysis

Your kidneys are a vital part of your body. They remove waste from your blood so it can be excreted from your body. Without your kidneys, dangerous waste products would accumulate in your system, causing infection and eventually death. Unfortunately, some people suffer from limited kidney function, either as a result of kidney disease or another condition. If your kidneys are failing, you require dialysis treatment. Dialysis utilizes an alternate, artificial method of filtering waste from your body. Read More 

Relapse Prevention Strategies When You Are Recovering From Addiction

When you are working on your sobriety, remember that the process takes time. While you can go to a supervised detox facility and remove substances from your body in a few days, the real work begins after detox. It will benefit you to engage in drug addiction counseling, peer support groups in the community, and to develop a series of relapse prevention strategies to help you stay sober. Recovery happens over time. Read More 

Struggling To Take Your Oral Medications? You May Need IV Treatment

Medications come in so many forms today, including pills and capsules. However, some adults suffer from mouth and throat problems that prevent them from swallowing their pills and capsules without pain, gagging, or vomiting. If you have problems swallowing your medications in pill or capsule form, try IV treatment instead. Learn how your inability to swallow your medications affects your health and how IV treatment may a good choice for you. Read More 

Tips For Making The Most Of Your Child’s Pediatrician Appointment

Unfortunately, a trip to the pediatrician's office can be a whirlwind affair. You take your sick child to see the doctor and only have a few minutes to discuss the problem before they leave to see the next patient. You leave with some written advice and perhaps a prescription, but you do not really feel better about the situation. Because of the number of patients that need to be seen each day, there really is no way for them to spend more time with you. Read More