Understanding Your Bulging Hand Veins

When you are going about your daily life, there may come a day when you glance down at your hands and do not recognize them because of the protruding and prominent veins on the tops of your hands. These hand veins can be unsightly and in some cases also quite uncomfortable. However, while they are very noticeable, you may have no idea what has caused them or what you can do about them. Read More 

What Is Photoaging & How Can You Be Treated By A Specialist?

Have you been addicted to tanning for numerous years and now your skin makes you look older than you actually are? You are likely experiencing a condition that is called photoaging; however, a specialist might be able to return your skin to a better condition through various treatment methods. How you are treated for photoaging will depend on a few different factors. The article below will tell you more about photoaging and how a specialist can treat it to give your skin a more youthful appearance. Read More 

What Are Some Treatment Options For Spinal Osteoarthritis?

Spinal osteoarthritis is a condition where the cartilage in your spine starts to deteriorate. This can cause bone spurs to occur in the spine, which becomes painful and debilitating. Luckily, there are several treatment options for this condition. Medications Spinal osteoarthritis is often treated with medications, which both help to reduce inflammation of the spine, as well as reduce pain. Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are available over-the-counter and are often recommended by physicians. Read More 

Understanding Thyroid Ultrasounds And Biopsies

If you have been dealing with persistent excessive hair loss, unexplained weight gain and overwhelming fatigue, you should schedule a visit with your primary care doctor or general practitioner. He or she will test your thyroid's function to see if it is possibly the source of the problem. If you are also experiencing difficulties with swallowing, you may have nodules present on your thyroid. In that case, your doctor may order an ultrasound or a biopsy of your thyroid. Read More 

Vacation Time: 4 Safety Tips You Should Follow

If you're planning to visit a foreign country this summer, you should know that about 25,000 tourists are killed in motor vehicle accidents worldwide each year. That information shouldn't interfere with your travel plans but it should make you want to prepare for your safety. Here are four simple steps you can take to keep you safe while you travel. Avoid Night Driving in Areas without Street Signals and Lights Read More