How EMT Services Can Help A Child With Epilepsy

The challenges of parenting are heightened when your child has epilepsy. This condition causes people to have reoccurring and unprovoked seizures. Epilepsy can occur at any age, but 50 percent of cases start before the age of 10. Many seizures happen without warning and are over very quickly. These episodes do not last very long and do not always require immediate medical attention. However, there are times when you need to call an ambulance. Read More 

3 Ways Green Tea Can Improve Your Health

When it comes to healthy drinking options, water isn't the only option you have. Green tea also offers a number of short and long-term health benefits. Between all the different nutrients and antioxidants found in green tea, you will be more on target with your health goals with this addition. If you aren't drinking green tea as part of your regimen, you're missing out on a number of different benefits. Read More 

Wheelchairs Can Benefit Small Businesses In Many Ways

Small businesses often feel like they can't afford wheelchairs for their customers. That's simply a mistake. Getting a wheelchair for customers is a major benefit that can provide small business owners with a new reputation for philanthropy. How Wheelchairs Benefit A Business While many small business owners may not feel they can afford wheelchairs, it is important to find a way to get a few. Wheelchairs offer small business owners a myriad of benefits, including: Read More 

Two Reasons Why You Should Make An Appointment With A Chiropractor

While you may make it a point to go to the family doctor on a regular basis, it might not have crossed your mind that you should also be seeing a chiropractor.  A chiropractor offers a wide range of services that you may not know about, and visiting with one of them could be an incredibly wise decision.  Use this information to learn more about why now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor. Read More 

3 Tips To Help Prevent Swelling & Bruising After Using Dermal Fillers

If you are going to have a cosmetic injectable treatment preformed on you soon, such as getting dermal fillers, you should be aware that one of the side effects of getting a cosmetic injectable treatment is swelling and bruising around the injection site. However, if you take the proper steps, you should be able to help mitigate these side effects. #1 Ice The Inject Site When you schedule your treatment, ask if they will provide a cold pack so that you can ice the area where the injection will take place directly before your treatment. Read More