Understanding Vaginal Atrophy

Menopause is a time of change, somewhat of a milestone. However, this period can also be a time of discomfort. This is particularly the case when it comes to irritating symptoms like vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy is the medical term for the drying, thinning or inflammation of the vaginal walls that is the result of reduced estrogen levels. If you've been experiencing vaginal discomfort and are of age, menopause could be to blame. Read More 

4 Tips For Caregivers Of A Loved One With Alzheimer’s Disease

Learning that a loved one or family member has Alzheimer's can be heartbreaking. It is incredibly difficult to see someone you love slowly slip away and change. Many families choose to care for an Alzheimer's patient themselves as long as possible. If you're going to be a caregiver for an Alzheimer's patient and have him or her live in your home, use the following tips: Create a Routine Alzheimer's can be very frustrating to both the person afflicted with the disease and a caregiver. Read More 

Why Nasal Spray May Be The Answer To Your Allergy Symptoms

If you are one of the many people who have had a bad experience with nasal sprays, you may be reluctant to take up the spray bottle once again. Much has been written about the dangers of nasal spray dependence, and overuse of some of these sprays can actually worsen your symptoms. But if you are an allergy sufferer and have not tried fluticasone nasal sprays, like Dymista, you are missing out on a treatment that could improve your life and enhance your enjoyment of the outdoors. Read More 

Understanding Your Bulging Hand Veins

When you are going about your daily life, there may come a day when you glance down at your hands and do not recognize them because of the protruding and prominent veins on the tops of your hands. These hand veins can be unsightly and in some cases also quite uncomfortable. However, while they are very noticeable, you may have no idea what has caused them or what you can do about them. Read More 

What Is Photoaging & How Can You Be Treated By A Specialist?

Have you been addicted to tanning for numerous years and now your skin makes you look older than you actually are? You are likely experiencing a condition that is called photoaging; however, a specialist might be able to return your skin to a better condition through various treatment methods. How you are treated for photoaging will depend on a few different factors. The article below will tell you more about photoaging and how a specialist can treat it to give your skin a more youthful appearance. Read More